Monday, July 28, 2008

What ever happened to the Republican Party?

White House projects record deficit for 2009

I thought small government and fiscal responsibility were two of the core values of the Republican Party. What happened?

This administration has run a deficit every single year it's been in office. It might have lowered taxes (for the rich), but it surely hasn't kept spending down. It's created bureaucracy (DHS) and floundered our tax dollars (remember FEMA and its bang up job during Katrina?). What did we get for it? An economy in the toilet, a dollar worth less than the Canadian version, and an unbelievably expensive occupation of two countries that seems to be doing little good no matter how you look at it (unless you count padding the pockets of all the defense contractors).

Handy Venn diagram to help you understand who should be arrested and/or impeached...

Slate's Crimes and Misdemeanors

This site is pretty helpful in understanding why you should be extremely pissed as a an American and who that anger should be targeted towards.

It's pretty hard to spread justice and democracy around the world when you don't really have either right here in the good ol' U.S. of A.

Another crime... and once again, no one doing any time...

Gonzales aides politicized hirings, investigators find

Once again the current administration has managed to break the law without remorse and get away with it. The rap sheet on this administration seems to be growing by the day yet no one seems to want to hold them accountable. Of course if anyone ever does get in any trouble for this (which is a big "if"), I'm sure they'll find some underlings to take the fall (remember Scooter Libby?) and then just pardon them anyway. They'll say Gonzales, Cheney and Bush didn't know anything about it... but we all know that's a huge lie. They knew and probably gave the go ahead.

Why don't more Americans care that these criminals aren't being brought to justice?

The value of an Iraqi life: $10,000

Trying to cover-up his killing: priceless.