Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Question (Hawkish) Convention

Iraq is a success? Really? Millions of Iraqis and thousands of American soldiers dead, a still fragile security, and for what? What did we succeed in doing besides making sure Saddam got executed? Do we really believe Iraq is better off? Why don't we ask some Iraqis how we feel about that, since once again, it is THEIR country. I love what tunnel vision some of our leaders have.

Secondly, how do we win the war in Afghanistan? Have any of our leaders been able to even define what "winning" means? Hardly. The reality is the people there are starting (and probably have for a while) seen what is going on there as an occupation of their lands. They don't want us there, and they think the Karzai government that we are propping up is a sham (you'd think our leaders would have learned our lessons in Vietnam and South and Central America when it comes to propping up puppet governments). People in this country need to start questioning their leaders as to why Afghanistan is a "war of necessity". We're not fighting them there so they can't fight us here. Unless we plan on taking over the entire world, that line of thinking is bankrupt. Terrorism is a tactic and unless we plan on turning the world into a police state, people will always find somewhere to plan such things (think Somalia, Pakistan, etc etc). The reality is that we need to secure the homeland and use intel and precision strikes to deal with these terrorist organizations. Not massive ground wars that turn entire populations against us. The blow back from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars will haunt us for decades, if not centuries. I hope everyone is ready to explain to their children why "they" hate us, and they sure as hell better not say "because of our freedom".

Wake up people. Silence is complicity.