Thursday, February 19, 2009

I don't feel good about this

Disappeared in the Name of National Security

Notice how little we hear about this in the American news...

I find it reprehensible what was done to this man, in the name of our "safety". What if this was your dad, brother, or husband? How would you feel?

We need to quit pretending that these people who have been criminally mistreated in our "war on terrorism" are somehow different from us. These are people with families and lives. To allow people in our government to treat people this way, in our name, is a travesty. I want no part of this, and I hope the current administration makes it a priority to absolve for past misdeeds by finding those responsible and also making sure this never happens again. Actions such as this do nothing to make us "safe", they merely sour our image to rest of the world. I don't want America to be viewed as a country that's willing to talk about "freedom", "democracy" and "rule of law" in some abstract way at every chance while doing whatever the hell we please when we please.

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