Friday, July 24, 2009

Let's call it what it is: Elite-bias

Let's be forthright and honest here. Liz Cheney is by all measures a nobody without Dick Cheney. She's not an expert in anything, and her opinion should not matter any more than yours or mine on Barack Obama's birth certificate. Why is it then that she is all over TV and the news?

Because the MSM needs to sell product. They need viewers and readers, and despite the fact that this "birthers" movement is a slap in the face to all available (and impartial) evidence and logic, it is continually given coverage by the MSM because it sells. This is how the media works. Clearly these "birthers" should be pushed to the fringe where they belong, but instead they are given a huge platform to speak from. Ridiculous. But then again, as long as the populace is paying attention to nonsense like this, they'll be less likely to call out our leaders as they water down environmental and financial regulation, bailout their corrupt bank buddies, continue to wage imperialist wars, and make sure that health care will eventually bankrupt our country. Liberal-bias my ass. Elite-bias, indeed.

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