Thursday, August 28, 2008
McCain congratulates Obama
You know what's funny about him referencing this "historic" day of a MLK, Jr. speech? The fact that McCain, as a congressman, voted against establishing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday as a national holiday.
Some might say, oh, this was 25 years ago, what does it matter? It does matter, because his record on civil rights has been horrible ever since, including voting against other measures to honor Dr. King. The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, which rates congressmen and women on their voting records as they pertain to civil rights, scored McCain at 22% (100% is the highest rating). The ACLU has given him a 17% rating during his time in the 110th Congress and a 22% lifetime rating.
This is just another example of how someone like McCain, steadfast in the mentality of past generations, is not ready to lead a diverse America into the 21st century.
What another POW thinks of a McCain presidency...
Doctor Phillip Butler is a 1961 graduate of the United States Naval Academy and a former light-attack carrier pilot. In 1965 he was shot down over North Vietnam where he spent eight years as a prisoner of war. He is a highly decorated combat veteran who was awarded two Silver Stars, two Legion of Merits, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Heart medals.,15202,164859_1,00.html
If people who went to school, served in Vietnam, and were even a POW with him are not fully behind the man... it's hard to understand why we should be. The man who wrote this article served with McCain during some of the defining moments of his life, so I think his opinion is worth being considered. Notice, however, how the mainstream media has not paid any attention to this. That might be because as much as everyone (especially the right) likes to eschew this idea of the "liberal media", the reality is that John McCain and the media have a very cozy relationship. You can read a little more about this relationship here:
I think everyone who keeps using John McCain's status as a POW to allay criticism about his infidelity, treatment of women, policies, constant public gaffes, and distance from the common American need to read this op-ed in its entirety. McCain was 894 of 899 in his Naval Academy class... not exactly what most people would call a standout. In fact he was damn close to last. Many people say the only reason he graduated and got to fly planes was because his father and grandfather were 4-star admirals in the Navy. Now although there is probably no way to prove that, it's not hard to imagine how some of the other graduates of the Naval Academy might see such an event in that light. He managed to crash two planes and fly one into telephone wires. He seems to show incompetence left and right. Yet somehow he is a presidential candidate. Does this remind you of anyone? (Hint: he's probably down clearing brush at this very moment)
My point is this... McCain, for as much as he talks about his experience, seems to never have been much of a standout when it comes to achievement in his life besides getting born into a highly decorated Navy family and marrying (after cheating on his first wife) a very rich woman. Being on the earth more years than someone else doesn't make you more qualified. Everyone gets older... that doesn't mean you have any more judgment than the next person. McCain lacks the judgment that it will take to turn this country around. He is a panderer, not a strong leader. He will say whatever he has to to be elected, even if it means ignoring experts on the subject (i.e. the gas tax holiday).,15202,164859_1,00.html
If people who went to school, served in Vietnam, and were even a POW with him are not fully behind the man... it's hard to understand why we should be. The man who wrote this article served with McCain during some of the defining moments of his life, so I think his opinion is worth being considered. Notice, however, how the mainstream media has not paid any attention to this. That might be because as much as everyone (especially the right) likes to eschew this idea of the "liberal media", the reality is that John McCain and the media have a very cozy relationship. You can read a little more about this relationship here:
I think everyone who keeps using John McCain's status as a POW to allay criticism about his infidelity, treatment of women, policies, constant public gaffes, and distance from the common American need to read this op-ed in its entirety. McCain was 894 of 899 in his Naval Academy class... not exactly what most people would call a standout. In fact he was damn close to last. Many people say the only reason he graduated and got to fly planes was because his father and grandfather were 4-star admirals in the Navy. Now although there is probably no way to prove that, it's not hard to imagine how some of the other graduates of the Naval Academy might see such an event in that light. He managed to crash two planes and fly one into telephone wires. He seems to show incompetence left and right. Yet somehow he is a presidential candidate. Does this remind you of anyone? (Hint: he's probably down clearing brush at this very moment)
My point is this... McCain, for as much as he talks about his experience, seems to never have been much of a standout when it comes to achievement in his life besides getting born into a highly decorated Navy family and marrying (after cheating on his first wife) a very rich woman. Being on the earth more years than someone else doesn't make you more qualified. Everyone gets older... that doesn't mean you have any more judgment than the next person. McCain lacks the judgment that it will take to turn this country around. He is a panderer, not a strong leader. He will say whatever he has to to be elected, even if it means ignoring experts on the subject (i.e. the gas tax holiday).
Here's what John McCain thinks of the American work ethic...
Would you pick lettuce for $50 an hour? I know a lot of people who would pick lettuce in Yuma for much less than $50 an hour.
This is another example of how out of touch John McCain is with the life of the average American. He thinks $50 isn't a lot for an hourly wage, or at least not enough to have an American do it.
Now I get that he is standing up for immigration policies (even though he is now against the immigration reform he sponsored), but it still goes to show that McCain has no idea what it's like for the average American.
Baracky II
Now this video does seem a bit dramatic and almost fanboyish, but I guess there are some people out there that are really inspired by Obama.
The thing that hits me in this video, aside from the theatrics, is the issues. It hits on how John McCain has admitted he doesn't really understand the economy, which is probably one of the biggest issues facing this country. It hits on McCain's stance against women's issues. It talks about McCain saying how he knows how to "win wars" when he actually has never "won" a war and has been on the wrong side of pretty much every vote or decision about the war. It also talks about McCain's blatant pandering, trying to sell the American people on a gas tax holiday and offshore drilling which would give "psychological benefits", but no actual tangible ones, to the people, while allowing the oil companies to reap even greater profit. It also talks about his temper and anger issues, which could be the deathblow in our relations with other countries.
On that note... I truly want to ask McCain supporters, besides the attempts to smear Obama and run the man's name through the mud, questioning his patriotism and love of this country (shameful and very un-American in my opinion), what does McCain have to offer us? Sell me on it. Please. I want to understand why this race is as close as it is... because I honestly can't make sense of it. To me it seems an obvious choice, but obviously there are people who disagree with me, and if we are truly going to turn this nation around and put it on the right path, we're going to need to do it together. Instead of all the name-calling, fear-mongering, and Karl Rove tactics that are becoming even more common as November nears, we need to be discussing the real issues that face this country. We need Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians and the Green party to come together and work out the problems of this nation. Partisan politics is tearing this country down. Instead of working together to fix the problems we all face, we are dividing ourselves by the few things that make us different. That's a recipe for disaster in this country, because our differences are what make this nation as great as it is.
The "War on Drugs"
This is just another example of the damage that our supposed "war on drugs" is doing to the people of this country. A young girl murdered because police wanted to catch some drug dealers. Now I am not advocating legalization of all drugs, but when you have a small-time pot dealer, a 23-year old girl who just graduated college, being pretty much forced to become an informant by a daunting 4 year prison sentence, something is wrong. Add to that the fact that she was told to try and buy $13,000 of cocaine and a handgun from dangerous criminals, that's just the icing on the cake. This girl had her whole life ahead of her. It's just sad. Then the police try to make her look like she's Tony Montana after she's dead because of their botched operation, which is just a slap in the face to her whole family and anyone with any sense.
Like the "war on terrorism" and the "war on poverty", I think we need to have an intelligent conversation in this country about the "war on drugs". Does anyone notice how these "wars" seem to only serve as a distraction and never actually deal with real heart of the issues? Are poverty, terrorism, or drugs ever going to disappear? No. So why don't we try to deal with them logically rather than declaring more "wars", which we seem to love in this country?
This is just another example of the damage that our supposed "war on drugs" is doing to the people of this country. A young girl murdered because police wanted to catch some drug dealers. Now I am not advocating legalization of all drugs, but when you have a small-time pot dealer, a 23-year old girl who just graduated college, being pretty much forced to become an informant by a daunting 4 year prison sentence, something is wrong. Add to that the fact that she was told to try and buy $13,000 of cocaine and a handgun from dangerous criminals, that's just the icing on the cake. This girl had her whole life ahead of her. It's just sad. Then the police try to make her look like she's Tony Montana after she's dead because of their botched operation, which is just a slap in the face to her whole family and anyone with any sense.
Like the "war on terrorism" and the "war on poverty", I think we need to have an intelligent conversation in this country about the "war on drugs". Does anyone notice how these "wars" seem to only serve as a distraction and never actually deal with real heart of the issues? Are poverty, terrorism, or drugs ever going to disappear? No. So why don't we try to deal with them logically rather than declaring more "wars", which we seem to love in this country?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
More bad news for the Banking Industry
The fact that the FDIC (which gets its funds from money paid in by the banks) might have to open a line of credit from the Treasury (which gets its funds from tax payers money), should be a very scary sign to the American people. Not only is it opening up the taxpayers to more liability, but it is also going to further squeeze the ailing banking industry since the FDIC plans on raising the rates they charge banks to repay the Treasury.
This is another example of what you get when you deregulate too much. People don't seem to get the concept of balance. I know the Libertarians and Republicans are all about deregulation, but it just doesn't work if its pushed too much. You need regulation to ensure that people aren't taking advantage of the systems in place (i.e. the subprime loan mess). These systems are too vital to our economy considering we've already outsourced much of our manufacturing to other countries. We need to regulate them to ensure they don't fail, which would probably cause the collapse of life as we know it in America. Unfortunately sometimes people do things for selfish reasons that are detrimental to others (i.e. Enron, the subprime mess, corporate pollution) which is why we need regulation in this country.
The fact that the FDIC (which gets its funds from money paid in by the banks) might have to open a line of credit from the Treasury (which gets its funds from tax payers money), should be a very scary sign to the American people. Not only is it opening up the taxpayers to more liability, but it is also going to further squeeze the ailing banking industry since the FDIC plans on raising the rates they charge banks to repay the Treasury.
This is another example of what you get when you deregulate too much. People don't seem to get the concept of balance. I know the Libertarians and Republicans are all about deregulation, but it just doesn't work if its pushed too much. You need regulation to ensure that people aren't taking advantage of the systems in place (i.e. the subprime loan mess). These systems are too vital to our economy considering we've already outsourced much of our manufacturing to other countries. We need to regulate them to ensure they don't fail, which would probably cause the collapse of life as we know it in America. Unfortunately sometimes people do things for selfish reasons that are detrimental to others (i.e. Enron, the subprime mess, corporate pollution) which is why we need regulation in this country.
Batman and Robbin'
According to CQ, Senator John McCain has voted with President Bush 100% of the time in 2008 and 95% of the time in 2007. So much for being a Maverick. It seems as though McCain pretty much toes the party line, and we can all see where that party line has gotten us.
I think Einstein's definition of insanity is especially fitting during this election:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Assassination Issue
So here we stand, on the verge of nominating the first African American as the Presidential candidate of a major party. Already there is talks of a foiled assassination plot in Denver. Now I am not going to say this surprises me. There will always be crazies out there who can't stand to see someone who is not like them (white) get into the highest office in America (the last 200 plus years isn't enough for white men people, we need to let them have their proper turn).
The thing that does surprise me, however, is people's use of a possible assassination as justification for voting for McCain/against Obama. By this logic I guess we will just have to have only white male presidents. How convenient for the Republican party (sorry, I couldn't help myself).
This is exactly the kind of sham argument that the Right will try to spread like wildfire because their geriatric candidate can't seem to remember how many houses he has, that there is no longer a Czechoslovakia, and that Sunnis and Shias are different. McCain's policies on taxes (give bigger cuts to the rich, again), energy (drill, drill, drill), and the war (occupy forever, despite what the Iraqis want) are all terrible for our country and the majority of the people that live in it (except the rich, the oil companies, and the military-industrial complex). Now that people are getting wise to that the Republicans will probably run with this latest sham...
I just hope that the American people see through it and don't lose another chance to turn this country around.
So here we stand, on the verge of nominating the first African American as the Presidential candidate of a major party. Already there is talks of a foiled assassination plot in Denver. Now I am not going to say this surprises me. There will always be crazies out there who can't stand to see someone who is not like them (white) get into the highest office in America (the last 200 plus years isn't enough for white men people, we need to let them have their proper turn).
The thing that does surprise me, however, is people's use of a possible assassination as justification for voting for McCain/against Obama. By this logic I guess we will just have to have only white male presidents. How convenient for the Republican party (sorry, I couldn't help myself).
This is exactly the kind of sham argument that the Right will try to spread like wildfire because their geriatric candidate can't seem to remember how many houses he has, that there is no longer a Czechoslovakia, and that Sunnis and Shias are different. McCain's policies on taxes (give bigger cuts to the rich, again), energy (drill, drill, drill), and the war (occupy forever, despite what the Iraqis want) are all terrible for our country and the majority of the people that live in it (except the rich, the oil companies, and the military-industrial complex). Now that people are getting wise to that the Republicans will probably run with this latest sham...
I just hope that the American people see through it and don't lose another chance to turn this country around.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Get Your War On
"The Surge"
Some of you may remember these cartoons from a couple of years ago. Now they're back, animated, and still hilarious (with a whole lot of truth deep down in the satire).
You can see more of them over at
Some of you may remember these cartoons from a couple of years ago. Now they're back, animated, and still hilarious (with a whole lot of truth deep down in the satire).
You can see more of them over at
Friday, August 22, 2008
Election 2008: The Truth About Taxes

Since McCain seems to want to stretch the truth when it comes to taxes, here's a graphic I swiped out of the Washington Post that shows what both candidates tax platforms actually look like for the citizens of America.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised that over 60% of Americans (the lower income ones who need relief the most) would see less than a 1% decrease in their taxes while those making over $1 million a year see well over 3 times that percentage decrease, considering McCain can't remember how many houses he owns. Talk about someone so out of touch with regular Americans. I just hope the people of this country realize that. McCain isn't your average Joe people. He's super rich, and he plans on making sure him and his income bracket buddies stay that way with his tax plan.
Now for some humor that when you actually sit back and thing about the truth behind it, really isn't that funny:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The $6,000 question....
Commentary: Is McCain another George W. Bush?
I can't say I always agree with Cafferty and his gruff commentary, but he pretty much verbalized what I've been thinking for months now.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Forging (a letter and) our way to the Iraq War (Can you say IMPEACHMENT?????)
Considering the revelations of Suskind's latest book are absolutely explosive (that the Bush Administration and the CIA forged a letter linking Saddam to 9/11 in order to justify the war), it's amazing it's getting almost ZERO attention in the media or from our corrupt-ass government. I've literally lost all faith in our government, including the Democrats in the House and Senate who should be vigorously investigating these allegations. Fabricating evidence that lead to an expensive and immoral war is TREASON, and if the allegations are true, those responsible should be impeached and arrested.
Suskind seems to have pretty convincing evidence that his allegations are true, we're not talking about the National Enquirer here (although they did nail the John Edwards story surprisingly). I can't believe the American people aren't up in arms. This is fundamental deceit at the highest levels of our government. As a country, if we fail to protect our democracy and punish those responsible for usurping our constituion, we don't deserve to have a democracy in the first place.
Considering the revelations of Suskind's latest book are absolutely explosive (that the Bush Administration and the CIA forged a letter linking Saddam to 9/11 in order to justify the war), it's amazing it's getting almost ZERO attention in the media or from our corrupt-ass government. I've literally lost all faith in our government, including the Democrats in the House and Senate who should be vigorously investigating these allegations. Fabricating evidence that lead to an expensive and immoral war is TREASON, and if the allegations are true, those responsible should be impeached and arrested.
Suskind seems to have pretty convincing evidence that his allegations are true, we're not talking about the National Enquirer here (although they did nail the John Edwards story surprisingly). I can't believe the American people aren't up in arms. This is fundamental deceit at the highest levels of our government. As a country, if we fail to protect our democracy and punish those responsible for usurping our constituion, we don't deserve to have a democracy in the first place.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Bush: Endangering the Endangered species
Not content that they have fucked up this country enough, Bush and his cronies want to kick America a few more times while it's down. Since the environment is still technically not utterly destroyed, they want to make it even easier for developers and corporations to put the nail in the coffin.
Seriously... instead of working on alternative fuels, ending the Iraq war, or feeding the hungry, the Republicans want to make it easier to get rid of Bald Eagles. My question is... once we kill those things off, what's going to be our new national symbol?
I suggest the dollar sign.
Not content that they have fucked up this country enough, Bush and his cronies want to kick America a few more times while it's down. Since the environment is still technically not utterly destroyed, they want to make it even easier for developers and corporations to put the nail in the coffin.
Seriously... instead of working on alternative fuels, ending the Iraq war, or feeding the hungry, the Republicans want to make it easier to get rid of Bald Eagles. My question is... once we kill those things off, what's going to be our new national symbol?
I suggest the dollar sign.
Wolf(son) in Sheep's Clothing
So Howard Wolfson, Hillary Clinton's former direct of communications for her presidential bid, is now saying Clinton could have won the nomination if the dirt on John Edward's affair would have been made public earlier by changing the Iowa caucuses. Some people are also claiming it was some kind of far-left liberal media/Obama conspiracy that the Edwards scandal was kept silent. That's all great stuff to believe if you are a resident of Fantasyland, U.S.A.
The problem: NONE of the polls or previous wisdom of either campaign supports this. The numbers show Obama being a 2-to-1 favorite for second choice among Edwards voters over Clinton. This means if Edwards wasn't in the race that Obama would have won by even more. Also, the Clinton campaign knew Iowa was going to be tough for them and even considered skipping campaigning for them knowing their horrible chances.
So why all of a sudden is Howard Wolfson making this bold (unsubstantiated and clearly non-factual) claim? HE GOT A NEW JOB! For who you ask? FOX NEWS!
Now you can claim it's just a coincidence that Wolfson, a FOX News employee, would be making headlines with a claim that is clearly going to stir up animosity between Obama and Clinton supporters before the convention. But boy is that one hell of a coincidence. I just hope that cooler heads prevail and the folks that supported Senator Clinton (who has almost the exact same policy positions as Obama) and the Obama supporters don't split the Democratic party and hand this election to McCain. The stakes are way too high this time. I know it sounds cliche, but the future our our nation truly depends on it. We can't allow the economy to continue to be run into the ground while we keep burning international bridges with horrible diplomacy and sabre-rattling.
So Howard Wolfson, Hillary Clinton's former direct of communications for her presidential bid, is now saying Clinton could have won the nomination if the dirt on John Edward's affair would have been made public earlier by changing the Iowa caucuses. Some people are also claiming it was some kind of far-left liberal media/Obama conspiracy that the Edwards scandal was kept silent. That's all great stuff to believe if you are a resident of Fantasyland, U.S.A.
The problem: NONE of the polls or previous wisdom of either campaign supports this. The numbers show Obama being a 2-to-1 favorite for second choice among Edwards voters over Clinton. This means if Edwards wasn't in the race that Obama would have won by even more. Also, the Clinton campaign knew Iowa was going to be tough for them and even considered skipping campaigning for them knowing their horrible chances.
So why all of a sudden is Howard Wolfson making this bold (unsubstantiated and clearly non-factual) claim? HE GOT A NEW JOB! For who you ask? FOX NEWS!
Now you can claim it's just a coincidence that Wolfson, a FOX News employee, would be making headlines with a claim that is clearly going to stir up animosity between Obama and Clinton supporters before the convention. But boy is that one hell of a coincidence. I just hope that cooler heads prevail and the folks that supported Senator Clinton (who has almost the exact same policy positions as Obama) and the Obama supporters don't split the Democratic party and hand this election to McCain. The stakes are way too high this time. I know it sounds cliche, but the future our our nation truly depends on it. We can't allow the economy to continue to be run into the ground while we keep burning international bridges with horrible diplomacy and sabre-rattling.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Something smells fishy, and it’s not all the dead fish from an Exxon oil spill
A middle class couple, the wife employed by Hess (she drives a 1993 Cavalier)... giving $61,600 to the McCain campaign days after he starts pushing for offshore drilling? Really???
Are Americans really that stupid? I'm starting to think yes, because once again McCain comes up with some ridiculous scheme (offshore drilling) that he pushes as a real solution to our energy crisis.
But besides that point, the most evil thing about this whole push for offshore drilling is who is actually going to benefit. Who is it, you may ask? Well let's see... it's not the American people... cause guess what... we don't keep the oil or get the money from it. Well who does? The oil companies. That's right. If they open up some of these offshore areas that have easier accessed oil (not taking into account the environmental devastation it causes), the oil companies have to incur less costs to get the oil out of the ground. Why does that matter? Because then they'll sell it for the same price we're paying now (it's not like the oil companies, who are making RECORD profits, actually want the price of oil to go down much, just enough for them to not be demonized so they can keep raking in the money). Now with a basic understanding of business and economics... you see what's REALLY going on here. The oil companies make the same amount of revenues (or maybe more with increased production) at the exact same prices we are paying now (because honestly, offshore drilling isn't going to affect the price, pretty much every expert agrees), except they incur less cost. What does that mean??? A SHIT TON OF PROFIT!!! WOOHOO!!!!! (Revenues - Costs = PROFIT!!!) HOORAY!!!! MORE RICH OIL EXECUTIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy I want to have a fucking party complete with crude oil wrestling matches.
A middle class couple, the wife employed by Hess (she drives a 1993 Cavalier)... giving $61,600 to the McCain campaign days after he starts pushing for offshore drilling? Really???
Are Americans really that stupid? I'm starting to think yes, because once again McCain comes up with some ridiculous scheme (offshore drilling) that he pushes as a real solution to our energy crisis.
But besides that point, the most evil thing about this whole push for offshore drilling is who is actually going to benefit. Who is it, you may ask? Well let's see... it's not the American people... cause guess what... we don't keep the oil or get the money from it. Well who does? The oil companies. That's right. If they open up some of these offshore areas that have easier accessed oil (not taking into account the environmental devastation it causes), the oil companies have to incur less costs to get the oil out of the ground. Why does that matter? Because then they'll sell it for the same price we're paying now (it's not like the oil companies, who are making RECORD profits, actually want the price of oil to go down much, just enough for them to not be demonized so they can keep raking in the money). Now with a basic understanding of business and economics... you see what's REALLY going on here. The oil companies make the same amount of revenues (or maybe more with increased production) at the exact same prices we are paying now (because honestly, offshore drilling isn't going to affect the price, pretty much every expert agrees), except they incur less cost. What does that mean??? A SHIT TON OF PROFIT!!! WOOHOO!!!!! (Revenues - Costs = PROFIT!!!) HOORAY!!!! MORE RICH OIL EXECUTIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy I want to have a fucking party complete with crude oil wrestling matches.
Download the new Walkmen album for $5 (all of it going to charity)
$5 and it all goes to charity and you get the album before the release date of 8/19. That is a deal you can't refuse.
Plus, after a few listens, I can honestly say this album is tremendous. I'm already reserving a spot for it in the top 5 of the year.
$5 and it all goes to charity and you get the album before the release date of 8/19. That is a deal you can't refuse.
Plus, after a few listens, I can honestly say this album is tremendous. I'm already reserving a spot for it in the top 5 of the year.
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