Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Assassination Issue



So here we stand, on the verge of nominating the first African American as the Presidential candidate of a major party. Already there is talks of a foiled assassination plot in Denver. Now I am not going to say this surprises me. There will always be crazies out there who can't stand to see someone who is not like them (white) get into the highest office in America (the last 200 plus years isn't enough for white men people, we need to let them have their proper turn).

The thing that does surprise me, however, is people's use of a possible assassination as justification for voting for McCain/against Obama. By this logic I guess we will just have to have only white male presidents. How convenient for the Republican party (sorry, I couldn't help myself).

This is exactly the kind of sham argument that the Right will try to spread like wildfire because their geriatric candidate can't seem to remember how many houses he has, that there is no longer a Czechoslovakia, and that Sunnis and Shias are different. McCain's policies on taxes (give bigger cuts to the rich, again), energy (drill, drill, drill), and the war (occupy forever, despite what the Iraqis want) are all terrible for our country and the majority of the people that live in it (except the rich, the oil companies, and the military-industrial complex). Now that people are getting wise to that the Republicans will probably run with this latest sham...

I just hope that the American people see through it and don't lose another chance to turn this country around.

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