Since McCain seems to want to stretch the truth when it comes to taxes, here's a graphic I swiped out of the Washington Post that shows what both candidates tax platforms actually look like for the citizens of America.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised that over 60% of Americans (the lower income ones who need relief the most) would see less than a 1% decrease in their taxes while those making over $1 million a year see well over 3 times that percentage decrease, considering McCain can't remember how many houses he owns. Talk about someone so out of touch with regular Americans. I just hope the people of this country realize that. McCain isn't your average Joe people. He's super rich, and he plans on making sure him and his income bracket buddies stay that way with his tax plan.
Now for some humor that when you actually sit back and thing about the truth behind it, really isn't that funny:

Thanks for your insight.
I actually try to avoid reading books written by bigots.
Bigots? Let's see what you say when they force you and your family to convert or behead you.
Get behind our country or get out!
Who is "they"?
Can you also please instruct me on how I "get behind our country"?
Who do you think? The muslimists.
You think Hussein Obama will protect this country? Dream on; keep your head in the sand, I won't.
The "muslimists"? That's a new one. Glad to see you are buying into all the fear-mongering the Bush Administration has been selling. Sounds like you might be their #1 customer.
Last time I checked I hadn't heard of any "muslimists" coming to the U.S. trying to convert or behead anyone. Where do you live?
Way to use your Fox News Jr. Detective training with the use of "Hussein" instead of the name he actually goes by. My my aren't those rootin-tootin arabic sounding names scary (to ignorant people)?
I do think Obama will protect this country. His early positions against an immoral war and his willingness to use diplomacy are examples of leadership that John McCain and the rest of the Bush cronies clearly don't possess. Talking tough is a whole lot different than actually doing the right thing, the thing that will keep this country safe.
The better question is do you think John McCain will protect this country? Considering he will basically continue with the foreign policy of the Bush Administration lockstep, a foreign policy that has been a total disaster and has made this country increasingly less safe by stressing our military and souring our relations with most of the countries in the world, I find it hard to believe anyone would think he's a good choice to lead this nation. Then again I sometimes forget how ignorant people can be when they have it so well and don't have to think for themselves.
So how about this, "anonymous", instead of just posting up your right-wing talking points that you can't back up, go read a book and educate yourself so that you can actually have an intelligent conversation.
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