Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What the Foxtrot?

How Would You Grade President Obama's First Year in Office?

Given that Obama has an approval rating of about 50% right now, you would think this poll would be fairly diverse. However, the results are clearly skewed toward the negative. Now although Fox's polls aren't scientific, I think one thing that can be drawn from this data set, is that consumers of Fox News are mainly from one side of the political spectrum.

The next question that follows from that is... why? If Fox News was really the most truthful, accurate, and timely news, wouldn't people from all over the political spectrum be trying to get them some Fox News? Or.... maybe it skews one way so overtly because people like having their beliefs re-affirmed. It's comforting, like a warm blanket and mug of hot cocoa on a cold, bitter day. Healthy for our nation? No, definitely not. But comforting, and you know how Americans love their convenience.

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