Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Even our politics are taking hold in Afghanistan!

Afghan leader accused of bid to 'legalise rape'

Choice exerpts:

In a massive blow for women's rights, the new Shia Family Law negates the need for sexual consent between married couples, tacitly approves child marriage and restricts a woman's right to leave the home, according to UN papers seen by The Independent.

"The law regulates personal matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance and sexual relations among Afghanistan's minority Shia community. "It's about votes," Ms Karokhail added. "Karzai is in a hurry to appease the Shia because the elections are on the way."

Even the law's sponsors admit Mr Karzai rushed it through to win their votes. Ustad Mohammad Akbari, a prominent Shia political leader, said: "It's electioneering. Most of the Hazara people are unhappy with Mr Karzai."

Glad to see, much like America, politics seem to dictate the day in Afghanistan. Glad to see this is the democracy we get in Afghanistan (and don't get me wrong, it is democracy; sadly, it doesn't look all that different than the Taliban rule that everyone hated so much). Maybe this will wake people up to the fact that "democracy" isn't some abstract, kumbaya, cute bunnies and feel-good TBS movies cure-all. If you disagree with the fundamental beliefs of a society or culture, throwing a little democracy on top isn't going to solve that. I truly wonder if this salient fact is resonating with anyone who keeps wonder why our experiments in nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't going as planned.

Maybe next time we decide to venture out in the world to try and spread democracy and our way of life we'll think twice and make some investments here at home instead. I think we might get a better return on our tax dollar.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Who actually voted for this lady?

Bachmann Blasts Obama's "Economic Marxism," Calls For "Orderly Revolution" To Save Freedom

Seriously. What the hell is wrong with people in Minnesota? Does this lady do anything productive? She seems to just run her mouth incessantly spewing forth bat-shit crazy ideas and saying inflammatory things just to get in the news. Then the one piece of legislation she puts forth is the "let's not get the mark of the beast", no international currency for the U.S. bill, which no one was talking about doing anyway. What the hell world do these people live in? There are real problems in this country. This isn't time to start getting your policy ideas from the Left Behind series (no offense to Kirk Cameron, what up Kirk?).

Here's a few gems for you:
"If Tim Geithner is successful under President Obama, and they move us to an international currency," Bachmann warned, "Then we have no hope of standing on our own as a sovereign nation with our own economic system. It's over. We can't do that."
Since when was that the plan lady? Quit trying to rile up the fundamentalist Christians and get people in a frenzy. More fear-mongering.

This is our very freedom, and we have 230 years, a continuous link of freedom that every generation has ceded to the next generation. This may be the time when that link breaks. And I'm going to do everything I can, I know you are, to make sure that we keep that link secure.
Really? You think we have a bigger chance of losing our freedom under Obama versus the last 8 years? Need I remind you of a little thing called the "Patriot Act". How about warrant-less wiretapping? You have to be kidding me. Wait, but let me clarify. Were you talking about the freedoms afforded to us by the Constitution (AKA the ones that were trampled on for 8 years), or the freedom to continue trampling on those freedoms and running the country into the ground?

Bachmann: Do we get into an inner tube and float 90 miles to some free country? There is no free country for us to repair to. That's why it's up to us now. The founders gave everything they had to give us this freedom. Now it's up to us to give everything we can to make sure that our kids are free, too. It's that serious. I hate to be dramatic, but--

Hannity: It's not -- you are not overstating this case, Congresswoman, and you don't need to apologize for it. And as a matter of fact, it's refreshing. And I can tell you, all around this country, on 535 of the best radio stations in this country, people are saying "Amen," "Hallelujah", "where have you been?"

Hold on second. Did I miss something? Are all the rest of the countries in the world dictatorships now? I thought I slept 8 hours last night, but I must have been sleeping for a lot longer. Or maybe Bachmann is another one of our chosen leaders who has no idea that something exists outside of America. I am sure people in the UK, Japan, Chile, Canada, France and Turkey would all like to believe they live in a "free" country.

I also like the part where she tries to pretend that she hates "to be dramatic", and then Sean Hannity backs her up. Talk about a match made in heaven. They should get matching straight jackets if they think what they are doing isn't high drama.

They can't be serious...

Seriously? Republicans? You're still using 9/11 as campaign propaganda? I would say you guys are getting desperate, but you've been doing the same thing for the last 7+ years.

F*cking pathetic.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For those who think Obama's election changed everything...

Report sees 'sobering statistics' on racial inequality

... this might bring everyone back to reality. Inequality hasn't gone away, and the reality is it probably never will until the majority of citizens in this country wake up and acknowledge it. It's scary how many people (mostly caucasian) I've overheard talk about racism and inequality in this country since Obama has been elected as if they are things of the past. Then again you can't really rely on the dominant group to be aware of the plight of the less dominant group, whether it be minorities, low-income groups, or women. Before we can ever truly live up to all that America claims itself to be, the first step would be to acknowledge that we're not perfect and some things need to be fixed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is that really a valid excuse?

Jackie Mason does it again

Defending himself for using what some perceive as a yiddish racial epithet for President Obama, Jackie Mason said:"I'm not going to defend myself. Chris Rock has told a lot more jokes about whites than I have against Blacks. What about the demeaning words Blacks say about Jews?". Adding, "If it's a racist society, the white people are the ones being persecuted because they have to defend themselves."

WOW is about all I can say. I don't even know how to address this. I mean... is that really the way to solve the perpetual racist cloud that hangs over our country, by using more demeaning words to "even up the game"?

But most importantly... REALLY? WHITE PEOPLE are being persecuted? REALLY? So I guess you could say that slave owners were being persecuted because they had to defend themselves for their actions? This is possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard someone say in my entire life. Jackie Mason needs to shut his ignorant mouth. I think I am too angry to actually respond rationally to such a statement, so I think I'll leave it at that.

Douche of the Day

Seriously Glenn Beck? I mean, everyone already knows you are a huge tool, but really? You're going to fake cry and talk about 9/11? Pitiful.

I truly question the judgment of anyone who looks to Glenn Beck for commentary on anything besides tips on being a huge douche.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

FACT: Chuck Norris is not only a member, but also the president of the "Let's Say Dumb Shit" Club

Chuck Norris for president … of Texas

So now Chuck Norris is a secessionist? I thought the crap that spewed out of his mouth during the presidential campaign was bad, but this is taking it to an all new high (or low?). Please Chuck.... please.... shut the hell up. You sound like an idiot and you're ruining all my good memories of watching you and Jonathan Brandis kick some ass.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

For those who still claim...

that people in our government would never knowingly place our own citizens in harms way...

Pentagon knowingly exposed troops to cancer-causing chemicals, document shows

How do you explain this?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The "I'm sorry, Rush" website


I gotta give it to the Dems, that's pretty funny.

Here's my shot at an apology...

Dear Rush,

I’m so sorry that I called you ugly. My comments were stupid. What I meant to say is that you are worthy of enormous respect. Yeah, sometimes I speak generically – seriously I wasn’t even talking about you. Everyone knows we Republicans like to say one thing and do another, right?

You and I both know that in reality, you simply want President Obama to fail in this time of economic collapse. How can I disagree with that? Please accept my sincere apologies, oh great leader of the Republican Party. Can’t wait to be on your show soon! XOXO


Republican Congressman Eric Cantor (coming soon)

P.S. Nice outfit at CPAC. You looked like a fat and sweaty Johnny Cash.

Perpetual Darfur

Sudan soldier: 'They told me to kill, to rape children'

It's good to see that war criminal charges have finally been levied against Bashir, but it is pretty apparent that he doesn't plan on showing up for his day in court. Telling the courts to "eat it" isn't exactly a promising remark.

Hopefully the Obama administration continues to pressure China and other supporters of the Sudanese regime in order to bring an end to the atrocities there. Reading a story like that of the soldier in this article really sucks some of the life out of you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The top Republicans are a spineless lot...

GOP chairman Steele backs off Limbaugh criticism

John Barrasso, GOP Congressman, Repeatedly Refuses To Criticize Limbaugh Despite Disagreement (VIDEO)

Jindal: I'm Glad Steele Apologized To Rush (VIDEO)

Rather than stand tall and do what they need to do, which is move the party in a new direction (away from hatemongers and blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter), the Republican leaders continue to be held hostage by these right wing zealots. I hate to break it to them, but it's gonna be hard to win elections with only the votes of rabid conservatives who would rather see the country fail than President Obama's policies work. According to the recent polls, the numbers of these folks aren't very large.

I find it pretty funny that Michael Steele came out swinging the past few weeks talking all sorts of trash but then as soon as Rush Limbaugh utters a peep he's mighty quick to back down. His heart pumps Kool Aid. Good luck in 2012 with that kind of leadership!

P.S. Hey... Republicans, I'm still waiting to hear some ideas from you. I see you in the news yammering on and on about how this that and the third won't work, but you have yet to offer up something that will. It's called build and destroy, not just destroy (and we already know how good you are at that from the last 8 years, so show us something new).