GOP chairman Steele backs off Limbaugh criticism
John Barrasso, GOP Congressman, Repeatedly Refuses To Criticize Limbaugh Despite Disagreement (VIDEO)
Jindal: I'm Glad Steele Apologized To Rush (VIDEO)
Rather than stand tall and do what they need to do, which is move the party in a new direction (away from hatemongers and blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter), the Republican leaders continue to be held hostage by these right wing zealots. I hate to break it to them, but it's gonna be hard to win elections with only the votes of rabid conservatives who would rather see the country fail than President Obama's policies work. According to the recent polls, the numbers of these folks aren't very large.I find it pretty funny that Michael Steele came out swinging the past few weeks talking all sorts of trash but then as soon as Rush Limbaugh utters a peep he's mighty quick to back down. His heart pumps Kool Aid. Good luck in 2012 with that kind of leadership!
P.S. Hey... Republicans, I'm still waiting to hear some ideas from you. I see you in the news yammering on and on about how this that and the third won't work, but you have yet to offer up something that will. It's called build and destroy, not just destroy (and we already know how good you are at that from the last 8 years, so show us something new).
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