Friday, April 10, 2009

Glenn Beck (AKA the political Don West)

First, Don West:

Now some Glenn Beck fear-mongering:

Act II: Glenn Beck crying, scaring me, and saying 9/11 a lot:

Act III: Glenn Beck slamming the families of 9/11 victims and Katrina survivors a few years ago (he tries to qualify it, but he still generalizes a lot):

Who seriously thinks this guy is credible? Seriously? He faux-cries on TV because he "loves America", fear-mongers like the best of them, and tells outright lies like it's going out of style. He sounds like Don West from the trading card QVC show. This guy is laughing all the way to the bank. Americans need to wake up. Every time you watch this guy on the Faux News Channel or buy his books, he gets richer and louder with his vitriol and absurdity. This guy isn't an expert in anything. He's not a scholar. His opinions and stances aren't even well researched or backed with substantial evidence. He's basically an ignorant right-winger with a really loud megaphone. And before anyone starts talking about how he's a regular Joe trying to do his part, save it. There's a lot of regular Joes and Janes out there that could do a better job of bringing up pertinent issues and having constructive discussions on them that would make our country a better place for everyone to live in. Glenn Beck serves as a rallying point for one side of this country to separate themselves from the other. I hate to break it to you, but the problems we face these days aren't going to be solved with left-wing and right-wing hate flying back and forth. Nothing constructive comes out of the narratives built by blowhards like Glenn Beck. We need honest dialogue, not ignorant political theatre.

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