Saturday, April 4, 2009

The great "Der Takin' ur GUNS!" myth

Police official: 3 officers killed in Pa. shooting

So... some crazy guy that lost his job decided to kill some public servants and blame it on the fictional attempt by the "Obama administration" to take his "rights" and "guns". How many other crazy folk out there probably sympathized with this guy?

This kind of insane banter needs to stop. So far there has been literally ZERO indication that the "Obama administration", AKA our government, is planning on taking away our right to own a gun. Trust me, if they were, I would be none to happy. I'm not a Ruby Ridge militia type dude, and although I believe in intelligent gun control (AKA not letting people buy bazookas and assault rifles with no logical purpose in todays world besides killing people, background checks, etc), I still own a gun. We just need to be honest here and focus on the actual problems we're facing today (the economy, crummy schools, sky-rocketing health care costs) instead of made-up problems that don't even exist.

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