Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is anyone else starting to feel bad for this guy?

GOP using Specter's own campaign ads against him

From the link above:
"In light of Senator Specter's changing political party, we felt it was our civic duty to adequately inform Pennsylvania Democrat primary voters about their new Senator's record and his close relationship with our former President George W. Bush," National Republican Senatorial Committee spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson said in a Wednesday announcement.

"I'm here to say it as plainly as I can, Arlen Specter is the right man for the United States Senate," says Bush in comments included in the new call. "I can count on this man — see, that's important. He's a firm ally when it matters most. I'm proud to tell you I think he's earned another term as the United States senator."

Man. Ol' Dubya just can't win, can he? Now even his own party is using his support for someone as a supposed slight against that person. I mean, it's pretty obvious what the folks running these ads are implying. "You know how you hate former President George W. Bush? Well he strongly supported Specter in 2004!".

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