Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I think the real torture is having to hear what would appear to be decent Americans publicly defending the use of torture and blaming the folks who are bringing these atrocities to light. Most people would guess that as the details begin to emerge regarding the involvement of higher authorities (who approved torture and then blamed it on the soldiers) that there would be outrage at our former officials for breaking the law and putting America's moral standing on loose ground. Instead people are shooting the messengers.

What happened to our supposed "city on the hill"? Do our own citizens really not care that laws were broken by people we put in office? Do we have a monarchy now that is above the law? Make your choice. You either believe in justice or you don't, you can't just apply the principle in some areas and not others. If we let our elected officials slide now, what's to stop them in the future from continually breaking the law??? Democrat or Republican, this crap needs to stop. If someone breaks the law, then lies about it, they should be punished. Justice shouldn't be politicized.

Whatever happened to our dem(merit)ocracy?

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