... oh wait... they're protesting our occupation. My bad.
Looks like a deal is close for a drawdown of U.S. troops by 2011. The sticking point seems to be immunity for U.S. troops and contractors. I can understand how Iraqis may be a little weary of giving immunity after some of the issues with contractors like Blackwater and the deaths of innocent citizens. I believe the overwhelming majority of U.S. military personnel and even the contractors are admirably serving their country like they signed up to do. Sadly, like in anything in like, there will always be a few bad apples. I don't think the U.S. should merely hand over those accused or convicted of breaking the law, but they shouldn't go unpunished. Iraqis would understandably be pissed if people were allowed to get away with whatever they wanted just because they were American. How we handle this situation will speak volumes about our commitment to justice as a country. I just hope we make the right chocie. Too many innocent lives have been lost in this conflict to not do so.
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