Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's getting out of hand...

Unleashed, Palin Makes a Pit Bull Look Tame

We all knew the McCain campaign would need to resort to character assassination to try and stay competitive with Obama. The Republican brand is tarnished beyond belief and John McCain has admitted he's not keen on the economy, which is the issue on everyone's minds right now as our savings and investments melt away.

I expected these attacks (most of which have and continue to be refuted by independent fact checking organizations). Despite the fact that they have mostly zero merit, they are great for fear-mongering and rallying Americans who are either xenophobic, racist, ignorant, or just too lazy to do the research themselves.

Is this what we want from the political conversation in our country? Instead of solutions to the problems we face... we talk about loose associations with some unsavory characters that any politician on the national stage is bound to have (let's not pretend that McCain hasn't meshed with a few of his own). As long as the American people allow this to continue and allow it to decide elections... we are a slave to fear-mongering and a dishonest government. Both Democrats and Republicans play the negative attack and slander game. Voters should let both of them know that it is unacceptable when our nation faces the grave problems that we do today.

Here's a choice excerpt from the Washington Post article:
"Worse, Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media." At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy." "

Wow is about all I can say.

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