Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Throwing Rocks in a Glass House

Politics of Attack

Now that the second debate is over with a majority of the country considering Obama the winner, it's clear that McCain's only tactic going forward will be to try and tear down Obama. McCain, with the assistance of Pitbull Palin, is running a campaign with over-the-top negativity and has all but given up on the issues. This is understandable from their point of view (though it sucks to see McCain dishonor his legacy like this), considering their positions on the issues are not all that popular.

My favorite thing to come out of the last couple days of McCain and Palin's campaigning has been the new question: "Who is the real Barack Obama?". I just find it utterly hilarious that the irony of this question flies over the heads of Republicans. Obama has been on the national stage for two years now with people (especially right wingers) running through the man's record with a fine tooth comb to try and dig up dirt. So far they tried to throw the Ayers and Rev. Wright guilt-by-association fallacies at him, but they just aren't going to stick because sane, rational people see through these tactics. The really funny part is that Palin, who has been on the national stage for 6 weeks now and has done everything but go to the moon in order to hide from the media, is calling Obama's record and history into question. This is the woman who in 6 weeks already has issues arising regarding attempts to ban books, make rape victims pay for their rape kits, the Troopergate scandal, her husband being a member of an Alaskan seccessionist party, having what some would call a witch doctor publicly blessing her, her connections to indicted Senator Ted Stevens, and charging the state of Alaska per diem for travel while she was staying at her own home. This is in just the 6 weeks she was announced as McCain's VP pick, which speaks volumes about not only her, but also McCain's job of vetting this woman. She's already shown her ability to bend and abuse the truth with her claims about saying no to the Bridge to Nowhere and her inability to answer simple questions like what media sources she uses.

So I think the real question is not "Who is the real Barack Obama?", but "Why aren't McCain and Palin focusing on the issues instead of throwing rocks in a glass house?".

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