Monday, October 13, 2008

Who is the real John McCain?

Make-Believe Maverick

(This is a relatively long piece, but probably one of the best I've read this political season as it is extremely well written with clearly identified sources. Do yourself a favor and read this.)

As the nation nears 3 weeks until the election, I think it's important to bring up a question that no one seems to want to answer. McCain and his surrogates continue to laud his "maverickyness" and the fact that he was a P.O.W., but it all seems like a Hollywood facade. When you look into the real history and story of John McCain, it's not nearly as glamorous and honorable as he and his supporters make it out to be. Now I'm not saying he's not honorable or a good person, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying the myth doesn't match the actual story. So as he continues to question Barack Obama and his story, maybe it's time we do the same to John McCain.

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