Thursday, October 9, 2008

Racism dead? Pulling the race card? Rrrrrrrright........

Look no further than the majority of the comments responding to this article to see just how well and alive racism and white privilege are in this country. Makes me sick.

Black Congressmen Declare Racism In Palin’s Rhetoric

The headline is a bit misleading as none of the congressman say that Palin said anything racist. They just said she seems to be trying to appeal to the racist crowd by trying to push that Obama is "not one of 'us'". It's actually a decent articel.

And as far as all of the white people responding about these Congressmen playing the 'race card', read this Tim Wise article that basically explains why the 'race card' claims are patently absurd.

What Kind of Card is Race?

It's a decently long essay but one that pretty much everyone would do well to read.

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