Monday, October 13, 2008

One hell of a Curveball...

Source of Iraq WMD intelligence tells his story

Calling this the biggest intelligence failure in the history of the U.S. is probably an understatement. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were pretty bad, but already the number of American lives lost in the Iraq war and occupation is higher than both of those events (and I won't even get into the number of Iraqi lives lost, estimated to be between 88,000 - 96,000 or 150,000

Now the question I have is... why does it seem like no one is being held responsible for this? Is our government above the law and reprehension? If you messed up this bad at your job and thousands upon thousands of people died, do you think they would keep you around?

So please... someone... anyone... explain to me why no one is getting fired? I think we need to call in Donald Trump, give him some Red Bull, and let him go nuts on the Bush Administration and any of their co-conspirators in the Defense Department.

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