"America's first war-crimes trials since the close of World War II have come under persistent criticism, including from officers appointed to prosecute them. Some of the harshest words came this month from the very man who was to prosecute the five men against whom charges were dropped.
Army Lt. Col. Darrel Vandeveld said during a pretrial hearing for a sixth detainee this month that the war-crimes trials are unfair. Vandeveld said the military was withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense in that case, and was doing so in others. He resigned over his concerns."
You know it's bad when the prosecutors are claiming the trials are unfair. Is this really how we want the world to see us? Keeping prisoners indefinitely, not giving them a timely fair trial, withholding evidence.... there really is no precedence for actions like this in the modern world.
We can't claim to be all about freedom, liberty and justice and not back it up with our actions.
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