Friday, September 12, 2008

Ad nauseum

Well it looks like the flood gates have opened. For your enjoyment... I present some of the newly unveiled political ads. Grab your popcorn and soda.

Planned Parenthood - It's about time someone took McCain to task for his disgusting ad on sex education. Obama's campaign needs to fight McCain's lies and smears or it risks going the way of John Kerry in 2004. We know what the Republicans are good at: lying, smearing, fear-mongering, and winning elections. Notice what isn't included in that list: running our government.

McCain doesn't know how to use a computer or email. Is this a legitimate issue? Hell yes. We live in an information economy... we need someone who understands the opportunities and issues that technology present if we are going to prosper in this day and age. Is John McCain going to be able to help us? Hell no!

Nice subtle way of taking issue with McCain's recent jump onto the bandwagon of change.

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