Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The more I find out about her...

...the less I like her.

Sarah Palin's Alaskonomics


Now that John McCain has pretty much co-opted Obama's message of CHANGE for his own campaign (after telling us for months and months that it was all about experience), now we get to hear the loud blare of the dual maverick siren. McCain and Palin try to tout their fiscally conservative ways and how they are going to bring real reform to Washington.

The only problem.... Sarah Palin is no fiscal conservative. Not by a longshot. Before this election she was all about earmarks, taxation and government spending (#1 out of all 50 states per capita in all three categories). Now all of a sudden she is against them??? I mean they are even being as bold as running television ads talking about her "saying no to the Bridge to Nowhere", which she strongly supported until it became politically unfavorable to do so. Do they think that by keeping Palin holed up and not letting her out to answer questions or do interviews will keep the country from learning about how she governed Alaska? They are in for a rude awakening.

Experience was once the cornerstone of John McCain's campaign before he blatantly ripped off Obama, and there is something to be said for experience. There is something to be said for Palin's experience as governor, pursuing policies and positions which she is attempting to sweep under the rug as she runs for VP. She keeps touting her "executive" experience while trying to hide all of the actual decisions made during that "experience". I find it utterly dishonest and a slap in the face to Americans (the McCain campaign clearly believes we will all vote on a "popularity contest" basis and not the real issues).

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