Tuesday, September 16, 2008

As the economy gets even closer to meltdown...

Obama says he's better on economy

Watch as John McCain tries to squirm his way out from his comment yesterday about the fundamentals of the economy being strong. I love how he came back and tried to say by "fundamentals" he meant "American workers" (cause, really, they are absolutely interchangeable) and then said Obama didn't respect American workers. Holy shit McCain... you gotta be kidding me. This is some Orwellian doublespeak if I've ever seen it. Instead of coming up with solutions you start making shit up. It's unreal.

Anyway... the telling part of this article is this:
"But Jeffrey Sachs, a renowned economist and special adviser to the U.N. secretary-general, said neither candidate will be able to stop continued financial woes in the near future.

"I think right now that this is a recession that's going to happen," he said."I don't see anybody being able to stop that giant wave. The question is how we get out if it."

Sachs said he thinks Obama's plan is "closer" to being on target, with his calls for regulation. McCain also has started talking about increased regulation, but Sachs said McCain has "reinvented himself in the last 24 hours" with such talk."

Now I know McCain isn't big on economics or economists (look no further than the gas tax holiday farce), but I just hope the American people decide that maybe we should listen to the experts this time instead of voting on who we want to have a beer with. Listening to logic and facts doesn't make you an elitist, it makes you smart and reasonable.

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