Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Scientist concedes 'honest mistake' about weaponized anthrax

How much more inept could our government get? I mean seriously. The guy is a specialist in viruses, yet he is the one we are going to for expert testimony regarding bacteria. I mean... I can't say I know much about either, but if I was looking to get expert testimony on an airplane... I wouldn't go to someone who works on helicopters.

So basically the Bush administration is either dumb, or they intentionally used this "expert testimony" to mislead us and try to create links from the anthrax scare to Saddam. All of the deception this administration has perpetrated over the past 8 years leads me to believe that there is no way it was all just a coincidence.

Quote me on this: one day when the truth finally comes out about the last 8 years, this administration will be show to be one of the most corrupt and treasonous in the history of this country.

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