Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McCain's War Against the Press

I was going to say some things about this but I think the above Time blog entry hits the nail right on the head.

The fact is... God forbid something to happen to John McCain were he elected President (and I don't say that sarcastically, I use to actually be a pretty big John McCain fan before he became such a Republican drone that he barely resembles his former self), Sarah Palin would be our next President. Her record, background, and views need to be vetted to the fullest by the media and by the citizens of this country who don't seem to know much about her. For the McCain campaign to suggest that this is "sexist" or "an attack on Palin" is the most ridiculous and audacious thing I've ever heard. SHE COULD BE PRESIDENT. We need to know what that would look like.

I totally agree that her pregnant daughter should not be the focus. Besides the fact that the wingnuts like Rush Limbaugh who are praising her for it would chastise Barack Obama were it his child, I could honestly care less. If they would just be consistent it wouldn't even be an issue. But the rest of the issues, like her experience, her stance on the issues, and her track record (like trying to ban books, raising taxes, and allegations of corruption) are definitely fair game and need to be explored. Unlike Obama who has been ran through the ringer by the media over the past year and thensome, she hasn't been in the public eye. The election is in a little two months... what do they expect the media to do, sit on their hands?

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