Thursday, September 25, 2008

Postponing the Debates? Give me a break

McCain camp to propose postponing VP debate

With less than 40 days to the election and a lot of voters undecided, this circus that was already high flying is about to go even higher (and bring out the bearded lady while you're at it). Now McCain seems to be using this Wall Street bailout as a political ploy to push back the debates, saying that if a bailout deal isn't reached by tomorrow (Fri 9/26), he will not attend the debate that night. His grandstanding in trying to pretend that his care for the American people in this time of crisis is so great that he needs to suspend his campaign is just ridiculous. It's easy for him to suspend his campaign when his support in the polls is tanking. It's exactly what he did with the Palin pick, pulling the old sleight of hand so that the focus is taken off of the fact that John McCain offers no new direction for this country and onto something else that will create a media frenzy. It's much harder for the media to cover McCain's crappy health care plan, tax breaks for the rich (during a time when we are going to be taking on an additional trillion dollars in debt), and the fact that his campaign is run by lobbyists when they are enamored with McCain's call for suspending presidential campaigns 40 days before the election.

This election is going to decide who will be at the reigns of our country as we head into one of the most difficult periods since the Great Depression. This isn't something we can just let slide, regardless of what's going on with the financial system. Plus, let's be honest. What's John McCain going to do in Washington to help? This is a guy that's missed so many votes and has admitted he doesn't understand economic issues as much as he should. Is the bail out going to fail because John McCain isn't intimately involved? Give me a break.

It seems all too clear what the McCain campaign is trying to do here. First it was delaying the first presidential debate. Then it turned into "let's replace the VP debate with the first presidential debate", effectively pushing the VP debate out into the future. Judging by the shielding of Sarah Palin from the press, and her consistent gaffes and inability to look vice-presidential during the few interviews she has done, it's clear what is going on here. They are trying to buy Sarah Palin more time to prepare. She's cramming. She's pulling the all nighter so she doesn't fail the test.

Is that what America wants? Someone who is so woefully unprepared on the majority of the issues outside of abortion, oil taxes, and guns that they need to speed-date foreign leaders (without the press present, might I add) and cram for the debates?

This whole episode on the part of the McCain campaign is a blatant sham. He's losing support in the polls because America is getting hip to the fact that McCain isn't the one who is going to change the direction of this country and stablize our economy. The more the race focuses on the issues, the worse McCain does, so of course he's going to try and suspend his campaign.

I must admit... he's a great politician, like the majority of his Republican counterparts, seizing any opportunity to tip the race in his favor. Sadly, being a great politician doesn't make you a great leader. It just means you are good at winning elections. We've seen where that got us the last 8 years.

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