Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin Truth Squad: Get a dictionary

Ad Hawk: McCain's Fact-Free 'Fact Check'

Seems that the "Palin Truth Squad" needs to get a dictionary out of library (don't worry, she wasn't trying to ban dictionaries) and look up the word "truth". Either that or let everyone know that they named the group in a sarcastic manner.

Seems they can't even get their facts straight when they claim to be fact-checking criticism of Gov. Palin.

I have seen close to zero honesty and truth out of the McCain campaign lately, yet somehow he is surging in the polls. Are Americans really this stupid? They wait for someone to lie and smear and then decide they want to cast their vote for that person? Have we learned nothing over the last 8 years?

"The decline of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principle of decay; the cause of the destruction multiplied with the extent of conquest; and, as soon as time or accident and removed the artificial supports, the stupendous fabric yielded to the pressure of its own weight. The story of the ruin is simple and obvious: and instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed we should rather be surprised that it has subsisted for so long." - Edward Gibbon

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