Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to school

Since it's that time of year when the kiddies go back to school... I thought it might be interesting to look at what our potential president and vice-president studied after they graduated high school. This hasn't been an issue that's been talked about much, but it probably should be. Not that what you studied in college is the end all when it comes to running the country... but it gives you a sense of the persons ability and what they might be well versed in.

On that note, let's take a look at the education backgrounds of the two presidential tickets:

Occidental College - Two years.
Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

& Biden:
University of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899

& Palin:
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism

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