Sunday, September 7, 2008

Since McCain loves to extoll his virtues all the time...

Maybe it's time we put away the "myth" surrounding John McCain that so many people seem to be buying into. I know hypocrisy is the one thing the Republican party is best at, but what do you think they would say had one of their political opponents done what John McCain had to his first wife?

The Wife John McCain Callously Left Behind

Not only does this article show how he was willing to apply for a marriage license in Arizona before he was even formally divorced from his first wife, but it also shows how he got his start in politics. His marriage to Cindy McCain seems to be the stepping stone to his current political career, a career he probably never would have had had he not cheated on and eventually left his first wife.

Now I'm not saying this somehow makes McCain unfit to lead, but I think it's a part of his history and a testament to his character that is worth examining and being in the public eye. The Republicans love to try and dig up dirt and throw smears left and right to win elections, sometimes it's only fair that they own up for their own dirt.

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