Monday, September 8, 2008

How would the rest of the world vote?

Viewpoints: Obama According to the World

I find it interesting that pretty much the entire world (not including the U.S.) is pulling for Obama in the upcoming election by large margins. I noticed this very prominently in my recent trip to Peru. People would stop my friend Paul and I on the street (we stood out, especially in Lima where there weren't as many tourists) and ask us about the election and our views, and express their ecstatic support for Obama. It was shocking to me that people on a different continent would be that interested and engaged in one of our elections. It was a stark reminder that what happens in America has a very profound effect around the world.

Although these people may have no vote in our election, that doesn't mean their views aren't important. Sometimes people on the outside can often see things that those of us on the inside don't. One thing that Americans need to realize and accept is that in an increasinly global economy, the opinion and actions of our foreign counterparts can affect us at home also.

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