Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is the hunt for Osama Bin Laden back on? (SPECULATION)

Could it be the October surprise that Bush and McCain are looking for?

Pakistan protests 'coalition air attack'

Now all violations of Pakistan's sovereignty and civilian deaths aside, and this is just speculation on my part,.... BUT... could this incursion into Pakistani territory, where Osama Bin Laden is thought to be hiding, be Bush making a concerted effort to save the legacy of his presidency?

His administration is currently suffering from record low approval ratings, and many think he will go down as one of the worst presidents, if not THE worst, in the history of this country. As much as people get fired up in regards to 9/11 there is no doubt that the administration realizes this might be their last chance to save face with some of the American people (certainly don't include me in that group). Despite the fact that he should have been impeached by now (if you take into account laws and the Constitution, you know, all that stuff deemed dismissible), if he were able to bring Osama to justice, many people would likely tout him for doing right by the nation. It would likely also give McCain a bump as he is tied so closely to Bush because of his voting record and party affiliation.

NOW THIS IS ONLY SPECULATION ON MY PART... but crazier things have happened. We've also seen what lengths the Republicans and the Karl Rove crew will go to in order to win elections.

So... could it be?

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