What does this say to young Americans who want to do work in their communities to make them a better place??? That one day they can get laughed at by a bunch of white old dudes on national television?
I just find it funny that Republicans who have spent the last couple hours talking about how self reliance and the people were the things that were going to change America, are now laughing out loud at someone who chose to enter his community and do just that. He was helping people get jobs and get back on their feet so they could be self reliant.
I would like to thank the Republicans for once again showing why they are so damn out of touch with regular Americans who don't vote solely on the issue of abortion.
On a side note, I wish someone would punch Giuliani and knock his prominent upper teeth out. He sucks so bad.
On an even sider note... I just won a bet with my brother because Giuliani couldn't go one speech without mentioning September 11th.
P.S. Did anyone notice that Huckabee and Giuliani said the exact same scripted line about McCain's time as a POW. Holy crap.... WE GET IT!!!!! He's a POW!!! This is like the new September 11th to the Republicans.
P.S.S. Notice how much they keep talking about Palin's executive experience? Notice how they haven't mentioned how McCain has exactly ZERO executive experience, but they have railed on Obama and Biden about it. Once again... hilarious. Have fun losing an election McCain, I don't think your "maverick" pick is going to make the American people forget about your lack of a plan in taking the nation forward beyond what the Bush Administration has come up with in the past 8 years.
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