Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Chuck Norris Fact: Chuck Norris is a dumbass.

UPDATE: Click here to see the video

I just saw him on Larry King, and holy shit is about all I can say. You know it's bad when we have Walker Texas Ranger telling us how to fix our country.

Here's what he has to say... (my paraphrasing and response)
"We shouldn't bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" - they guarantee about half of the mortgages in the U.S, so if we let them fail that would pretty much put our entire financial system into a huge downward spiral. The reason they are in trouble is because of the deregulation that has taken place under the Republicans (of which Norris is one) that led to the subprime crisis and this housing bubble. I don't think he wanted to talk about that though.

"The government is spending too much and getting us in huge debt" - Uh... yeah.. I agree.. but guess who was running the country the last 8 years? That's right, the Republicans. His boys are the ones that are responsible for the war that's costing us $10 billion a month. They're the reason why we are now running a greater than $400 billion deficit when Clinton gave Bush over a $200 million surplus. They're the ones that started this useless bureaucracy know as the Department of Homeland Security. For being the "small government" guys, they sure as hell love to make it bigger when they are in control.

Anyway, then he shouted down Arianna Huffington when she started talking about the costs of this war and told us how he talked to all the troops in Iraq when he was there for 2 tours and they all want to stay in Iraq til the finish the job. He looked like he was about to have a seizure.

Basically what I got from the whole thing is that Chuck Norris is a Republican puppet who has little understanding of the economy or the way the government works (which is probably why they let him in the party).

Fuck Chuck. Him and his beard can kiss my ass. He needs to go read a book before he gets on TV again cause he sounds like a moron.

New Chuck Norris Facts:
Fact: Chuck Norris speaks for our everyone in our military.
Fact: Chuck Norris bought his beard on eBay from the state of Alaska.
Fact: Chuck Norris said "thanks, but no thanks" to making any sense on national TV.
Fact: Chuck Norris is almost as bad at acting as he is at acting like he's an independent.
Fact: Chuck Norris needs to give the shirt he was wearing back to the guy he stole it off of at the Jersey Shore.
Fact: Chuck Norris is such a dick he makes Ari Fleischer look like a decent person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is exactly how i felt...i felt like throwing the remote at the! "I am an independent.." MY ASS!