Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Getting cash for good grades?

Good grades pay off literally - USA Today

In an American society already being destroyed by commercialization and the "buy! buy! buy!" mentality, I find it abhorring that we are trying to motivate kids to learn by basically bribing them. No wonder why China and India are surpassing us in education. Instead of teaching kids that learning is something that should be held in high regard, we try to bribe them so they can buy more video games and iPods. Instead of telling them that it will increase the likelihood that they will be paid a better wage, or get a better job, or retire earlier, we slip them a Benji. Instead of parents taking on the responsibility of instilling values in their children and congratulating them when they do well, we can give the kids more money so they can buy things that will occupy their time so they can spend even less of it with their parents. Great idea. It's like Pavlov's Dogs all over again. If we keep this up, soon enough people will see money and lose all control.

I guess Puff Daddy must have been right, it is "all about the Benjamins". We should probably put him in our kids textbooks while making sure we leave out that part about "Mo Money, Mo Problems".

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